2006-2012 Birth Years
LSC considers all U13 and older teams at the top of their age group as Select Teams. This program is geared toward players interested in competing at the highest level-of-play in a year-round program and requires a higher level of commitment than our competitive level teams.
Tier 1 - Select 1 & Select 2 teams
Tier 2 - Competitive Gold, Black, White, Red teams
Players interested in participating in the Travel Program should attend tryouts in July. Visit the Tryouts page for time and dates.
Lakeville SC holds the right to adjust roster placement mid-season to fit the commitment and developmental level demonstrated by the individual player/family.
Select level players are expected to have a higher level of commitment than our competitive level teams. Multi-sport athletes interested in this program are required to share the schedules of their other sports with the coach. The club will do its best to schedule around conflicting events/practices, with an expectation that those athletes will be at practice if times do not overlap. Soccer is expected to take
full priority during Spring/Summer months (March-July).
Select level teams compete in year-round leagues, which require participation in games during Fall (U13/14), Winter, and Spring seasons. Multi-sport athletes are expected to make games a priority the entire year, with practices treated as mentioned above.
MSHSL rules prohibit players from competing in high school soccer and traveling soccer during the same time period. However, Middle School students are eligible to play club soccer in the Fall. This means U13 and U14 players as well as 8th graders (only those born between August 1-December 31) that are technically U15 can play in Fall. In Fall 2025, we are encouraging U15 players to participate in their designated middle school programs, as team placement for this age group can be difficult in the club setting.
LSC is encouraging all U15s to play with their Middle School or High School programs. For those who may not have that option, every effort will be made to place U15 8th graders on Fall U14+ teams, with the knowledge it will likely be a different team and possibly level from their Spring team.
U13 and U14 Select teams will participate in the Fall Travel Season. This season takes place from mid-August thru mid-October. Teams will practice 2-3 times per week and participate in a local league, tournaments, and/or friendly matches.
The Winter Season (November-March) consists of teams training 3-4 times per week. Venues that will be utilized for indoor training are Lakeville North HS Dome, Irish Dome, local gyms, and Dundas Dome.
Select teams will participate in a winter league that consists of 6-8 games spread across November-March. Additional costs are attached to hosting home indoor games. All U13+ teams should expect 1-2 out of state events during the winter, with U16+ expecting 2-3 out-of-state events.
The traditional traveling season takes place during the Spring/Summer months (April-July). Teams will begin training outdoors as soon as the weather and field conditions are appropriate. Outdoor training sessions (1-2 per week) take place at various fields around Lakeville.
Teams will participate in MLS Next New Tier, ECNL-Regional League, US Club National Premier League, or Twin City Soccer League (TCSL). Additional leagues may be considered to fill in the competitive calendar and allow for further development opportunities.
Teams will participate in tournaments which may include 1-2 out of state/local tournament (early spring), and 1-2 additional local tournaments (summer). Tournaments and travel are an additional cost to the team.
Select teams will have paid licensed coaches. Any travel fees incurred by a non-parent paid coach will be an additional cost to the team.
Fees cover registration for Fall (U13/14 only) season, Winter training, Summer season, and Coach. Additional team fees are not included (ie: tournaments, travel expenses, uniform).
Register, view payment plan info, and see what's included in club fees.
*Please refer to travel fees page for more details. Uniform cycles run for 2 years - current cycle is through Summer 2025 (1 purchase per cycle)
Select 1 Coach: Brian Lehman
League: NPL - Super, USYS National League
Roster Size: 16-18
Select 2 Coach: TBD
League: TCSL Regional
Roster Size: 16-18
Select 1 Coach: Taylor Becker
League: NPL - Super, USYS National League
Roster Size: 16-18
Select 2 Coach: Peter Munkittrick
League: TCSL Regional
Roster Size: 16-18
Team Session | 3x Week |
Winter League | NPL / NL |
Boys Tournaments | 1 out of state |
Girls Tournaments | 1 out of state (flight) |
Team Fee* | Included w/ Summer Team Fees |
Training | 2-3x/week |
League Games | 6-10 total |
Boys Tournaments | 1 out of state weekend |
Girls Tournaments | 1 out of state weekend |
Uniform Package | $276 |
Team Fee | Included in Winter/Spring Fee |
SUMMER SEASON | (May-June) |
Training | 2-3x/week |
League Games | NPL / NL |
Boys Tournaments | 1 -2 out of state, 3-4 in state |
Girls Tournaments | 1 -2 out of state, 3-4 in state |
Uniform Package | $276 |
Team Fee | $1900 |
Estimated Total w/ & w/o Uniform | $2,176 / $1,900 |
Coach: TBD
League: TCSL Regional
Roster Size: 16-18
Select 1 Coach: Dylan Hammerschmidt
League: NPL Super / USYS National League
Roster Size: 18
Select 2 Coach: Johnny Lemoine
League: TCSL Regional
Roster Size: 18
Team Session | 3x Week |
Winter League | NPL / NL |
Boys Tournaments | 1 out of state |
Girls Tournaments | 1 out of state (flight) |
Team Fee* | Included w/ Summer Team Fees |
FALL SEASON | (Optional) |
Training | 2-3x/week |
League Games | 6-10 total |
Boys Tournaments | 1-2 in state |
Girls Tournaments | 1-2 in state |
Uniform Package | $276 |
Team Fee | Included in Winter/Spring Fee |
SUMMER SEASON | (May-June) |
Training | 2-3x/week |
League Games | NPL / NL |
Boys Tournaments | 1 out of state, 3-4 in state |
Girls Tournaments | 1 out of state (drive), 3-4 in state |
Uniform Package | $276 |
Team Fee | $1,900 |
Estimated Total w/ & w/o Uniform | $2,176 / $1,900 |
Coach: Dylan Hammerschmidt
League: NPL - Super Division
Roster Size: 16-18
Select 1 Coach: Mario Lone
League: National Premier League - Super
Roster Size: 16-18
Select 2 Coach: Mario Lone
League: National Premier League - Super
Roster Size: 16-18
Team Session | 3x Week |
Winter League | National Premier League |
Boys Tournaments | 1 out of state (flight), 1 out of state (drive) |
Girls Tournaments | 1 out of state (flight), 1 out of state (drive) |
Team Fee* | Included w/ Summer Team Fees |
FALL SEASON (Optional) | |
U15 players NOT playing high school soccer | |
U15 Fall Fee | $225 + Uniform |
SUMMER SEASON | (May-June) |
Training | 2-3x/week |
League Games | National Premier League |
Boys Tournaments | 1 out of state, 3-4 in state |
Girls Tournaments | 1 out of state (drive), 3-4 in state |
Uniform Package | $276 |
Team Fee | $1,700 |
Estimated Total w/ & w/o Uniform | $1,976/ $1,700 |
Coach: TBD
League: National Premier League - Premier
Roster Size: 16-18
Coach: Forrest Randall
League: National Premier League - Super
Roster Size: 16-18
Coach: Abby Shultz
League: National Premier League - Premier
Roster Size: 16-18
Team Session | 3x Week |
Winter League | National Premier League |
Boys Tournaments | 1 local showcase, 1 out of state (flight), 1 out of state (drive) |
Girls Tournaments | 1 local showcase, 1 out of state (flight), 1 out of state (drive) |
Team Fee* | Included w/ Summer Team Fees |
SUMMER SEASON | (May-June) |
Training | 2-3x/week |
League Games | National Premier League |
Boys Tournaments | 1 out of state (drive/flight), 2-3 in state |
Girls Tournaments | 1 out of state (drive/flight), 3-4 in state |
Uniform Package | $276 |
Team Fee | $1,700 |
Estimated Total w/ & w/o Uniform | $1,976/ $1,700 |
Select 1 Coach: Cole Schwartz
League: National Premier League - Super
Roster Size: 16-18
Select 1 Coach: Johnny Lemoine
League: National Premier League - Premier
Roster Size: 16-18
Team Session | 3x Week |
Winter League | National Premier League |
Boys Tournaments | 1 local showcase, 1 out of state (flight), 1 out of state (drive) |
Girls Tournaments | 1 local showcase, 1 out of state (flight), 1 out of state (drive) |
Team Fee* | Included w/ Summer Team Fees |
SUMMER SEASON | (May-June) |
Training | 2-3x/week |
League Games | National Premier League |
Boys Tournaments | 1 out of state (drive/flight), 2-3 in state |
Girls Tournaments | 1 out of state (drive/flight), 3-4 in state |
Uniform Package | $276 |
Team Fee | $1,700 |
Estimated Total w/ & w/o Uniform | $1,976/ $1,700 |
Coach: TBD
League: National Premier League - Super
Roster Size: 16-20
Select 1 Coach: Jesse Campos
League: National Premier League - Super
Roster Size: 16-20
Select 2 Coach: OJ Okello
League: National Premier League - Premier
Roster Size: 16-20
Team Session | 3x Week |
Winter League | National Premier League |
Boys Tournaments | 1 local showcase, 1 out of state (flight), 1 out of state (drive) |
Girls Tournaments | 1 local showcase, 1 out of state (flight), 1 out of state (drive) |
Team Fee* | Included w/ Summer Team Fees |
SUMMER SEASON | (May-June) |
Training | 2-3x/week |
League Games | National Premier League |
Boys Tournaments | 1 out of state (drive/flight), 3-4 in state |
Girls Tournaments | 1 out of state (drive/flight), 2-3 in state |
Uniform Package | $276 |
Team Fee | $1,700 |
Estimated Total w/ & w/o Uniform | $1,976/ $1,700 |
Executive Director
Forrest Randall
Club Administrator
Darlene Patyk
Travel Coordinator
Select & Academy level teams will be provided a paid coach through their registration fees. Paid coaches may be parents from within the team if the club deems them as qualified enough to develop a team at that level.
U13+ Competitive Gold teams will be provided a paid coach through their registration fees. Paid coaches may be parents from within the team if the club deems them as qualified enough to develop a team at that level.
Competitive Black, Red, and White teams will have volunteer coaches. Volunteer coaches at this level will be required to attend various coaching education events throughout the year. The goal of this education is to ensure our coaches are up to date with LSC's coaching standards and developmental methods. Competitive level teams are given the option to have a qualified paid coach if they choose so after team formations. If no volunteers step up to coach, the club will assign a paid coach. Paid coach fees can range anywhere between $100-400/family depending on coach qualifications, age of team, level, and time commitment required.
A paid coach may not be readily available for assigning to a team. While the club continues their search for a qualified paid coach, a parent volunteer will be required to step in until one is found.
Partial scholarships or financial assistance including additional payment plans will be made available to those players that demonstrate a need. Please contact the Director of Soccer Operations at clubadmin@lakevillesoccer.org for more information.
LSC Scholarship rules do not have any bearing on financial assistance a team may want to provide a player. Applications for LSC scholarships must be in writing to the Director of Soccer Operations.
All scholarship applications must be submitted when registering and accepting the player's roster spot.
LSC Scholarship Application Form (English)
LSC Scholarship Application Form (Spanish)
Volunteer Bond Commitment
Each family is required to submit a $325 check at the beginning of the Summer Season (February). If you do not plan to participate/volunteer during the course of the summer season, you may submit a buy-out check for $275 which will be cashed. Once a volunteer role has been completed, the check will be voided.
One Head Coach, one Assistant Coach and one Team Manager (per team); and LSC Board Members are exempt.
No refunds are given for tryout fees.
After team acceptance, the first installment of $145 (Competitive) or $445 (Select) is paid and non refundable. If registration is paid in full before the next installment is due, the installment amount will be refunded. After final installments are paid there will be no refunds given.*
*Exceptions: Season ending injury (with doctor's note, and player remains bound to LSC) or move 50 miles outside of Lakeville. For these situations a prorated refund will be considered PRIOR TO TEAMS BEING SUBMITTED to a league, minus a $50 administrative fee.
If a player is not assigned a spot on a team (wait list or roster dissolves) by the start of the league season, they will be given a full refund.
No refunds given for any reason once a player accepts a roster spot.
Technical Staff
Dylan Hammerschmidt - BU9-U12 TD
Brie Rosga - GU9-U12 TD
Carter Albrecht - BU13-U19 TD
Jesse Campos - GU13-U19 TD
Club Adminstrative & Board Staff
Forrest Randall -Executive Director
Darlene Patyk –Club Administrator
Chad Hammerschmidt – Board Travel Coordinator
The Recreation Program is designed for players of all abilities ages U6-U12 (or K-6th grade). The teams are formed by players signing up and being assigned by LSC Staff. Teams play each other within the program at fields in Lakeville. Coaches are made up of parent volunteers.
The Travel program is for players that wish to have the experience of traveling around the metro to play other teams outside of Lakeville as well as travel to tournaments (most also local, though some teams choose to travel out of state). The traveling program also has teams for players of all difference abilities with our Academy, Select, and Competitive teams.. Players attend evaluations to be placed on a team appropriate for their skill level and development.
Please see our Recreation and Travel pages for more information on both programs.
Tiered Team System
Tier 1 - Academy - 1 & 2
Tier 2 - Competitive - Gold, Black, Red, White
Tier 1 - Select - 1 & 2
Tier 2 - Competitive Gold
Tier 3 - Competitive Black
Tier 4 - Competitive Red, White
Academy U8-U12 are our highest level teams in those age groups. Academy teams are formed at our July and October tryouts and train 2x/week Fall/Winter/Spring. Winter taining consists of 1x/week Academy training + 1x/week team training. Academy teams have paid coaches and may do winter scrimmages/leagues (dependent on the coach preference).
Competitive U8-U12 are our tier 2 level teams in those age groups. Competitive level teams are tiered based on ability and formed at both July and October tryouts. Head Coaches are typically volunteer coaches, but teams have the option to go with a paid coach if interested. The Fall season typically consists of 2x/week training, 1 league game, and 2 tournaments. Winter team training is 1x/week beginning in January - players can also register for additional training through Winter Academy.
Select U13+ travel is the highest level of play beginning at U13. Our Select teams carry the highest level of commitment among our travel teams. Select teams have paid licensed coaches and are expected to train 2-3 per week along with competitions Fall (U13-14), Winter, and Spring/Summer. Eligible teams will participate in National Premier League and along with 4-6 tournaments throughout the year. Teams can expect to travel out of state 1-2 times.
Competitive U13+ is comprised of four different tiers. Gold and Black teams will train 2x per week along with competitions Fall (U13-14), Winter, and Spring/Summer. Red & White teams will train 1-2x/week along with competitions Fall (U13-14), Winter, and Spring/Summer. Additional training is optional and determined by the team. Teams will participate in the Lakeville Father's Day Cup and can expect to also participate in an additional two tournaments during the season. Travel will be determined by the team with guidance from Lakeville SC staff.
There are two sets of tryouts for U9/10 only, one for the Fall (July) and one for the Spring (October).
*Please visit our Travel Team pages to learn more about each of these programs.
Players are offered a roster spot based upon tryout results and prior season coach evaluations. It is very important that tryout evaluators and staff are able to observe players competing against all of the players within the age-group. For those players who are unable to attend tryouts, every effort will be made to place them on a team. Not attending tryouts, however, may make proper team placement a challenge.
If you know your child can not attend tryouts, you should still sign them up in your LSC account, pay the evaluation/admin fee, and fill in the Tryout Absence Form located on the tryout description page.
The fee covers costs incurred with hosting multiple days of tryouts; staff and trained/qualified/independent evaluators, city field usage, equipment, bibs, as well as registration and team formation administration.
Players should come wearing soccer shorts, plain colored socks, shin guards, cleats, and a top they can easily fit a bib over. Tryout shirts are provided at check-in as you arrive. If there are two days of tryouts, players are expected to wear the same shirt to both days. Players should bring their ball and plenty of water.
Players must be registered for tryouts by midnight of the day prior to their first evaluation. Check in for tryouts will begin 30 minutes prior to start time. Players will be directed by staff of where they need to be.
The staff expect that parents, spectators, friends, or other club players from the same or other age brackets refrain from staying on site to observe tryouts. Parents should plan to leave after check in and pick their player(s) up at the end of their evaluation period. The use of binoculars from the parking lots and buildings are highly discouraged as they can be a distraction to the players.
Teams are formed based upon performance at tryouts, Directors' discretion, and prior season coach evaluations. Tryouts include small-sided games and full-field games. Players are evaluated on their technical, tactical, physical and psycho-social strengths by trained staff as well as independent evaluators.
We will make every effort to place every child on a roster. For age groups that have full rosters, we will offer to place extra players on a wait list. We are often able to add players throughout the winter to fill short rosters. If we do not have a roster spot for our wait listed players by August 14th (Fall) or February 28 (Spring), they will be released and offered a full refund of their first installment.
Players can try out for LSC without being committed to the club. However, once a player accepts a spot on a roster, they are bound to LSC after the completion of the TCSL Tryout Window. This means they can not play for another club. As per TCSL policy, players are considered members of a club when they have finalized the following:
1. Signed the club registration form, electronic, or otherwise
2. Paid a commitment fee to register for the upcoming season
Tryout fees do not register a player to a club, this is merely a fee to tryout
U8-U12 Academy Teams - 1x/week Academy training + 1x/week team training beginning in January
U8-U12 Competitive Teams - 1x/week team training
U13+ Select teams - 2x/week November-April
U13+ Competitive Gold/Black - 2x/week January-April
U13+ Competitive Red/White - 1x/week January-April
Most teams will practice twice a week and play one or two games per week. For the Spring/Summer season all games are play between May - mid-July and are originally scheduled on a Mon/Wed or Tue/Thu depending upon age and gender.
For the Fall season, games are played on weekends and run for a 6 week period between September-October. There is the ability to schedule games to weekdays depending on team/player availability.
It is strongly encouraged that players compete in their own age-group for long-term social and overall player development. However, if players ages U12 and older wish to try out for a Select team (top team in age group) one age group above, they may do so. If the player still wishes to also be considered for placement in their "true" age group, they must attend both age group tryouts, a total of 4 sessions. Note this may result in 2 tryouts in one day and there is a fee associated with both sets of tryouts. If a player is invited to "play up" to the Select team above their age and also tried out for their "true" age group, they will be offered both spots via a phone call prior to team posting and then only posted on one roster.
League assignments are posted through Twin Cities Soccer Leagues at www.tcslsoccer.com.
Occasionally there will be a team from outside the south metro included. For TCSL, teams will travel within a 30 mile radius of St. Paul. Teams in both leagues typically have one home game and one away game with each other team.
Select teams competing in the National Premier League Super Division should undertstand that by winning the league, you are expected to compete in the National Playoffs held at an out of state location - typically in July.
Lakeville Soccer Club
21044 Heron Way, Suite 300
Lakeville, Minnesota 55044
© 2023 Lakeville Soccer Club / Privacy Policy