Tryouts for the 2025/2026 Fall & Spring Travel Teams

2013-2007 Birth Years

Tryouts Location: Steve Michaud Park

LSC will be shifting to a two-tier tryout model for 2013-2007 birth years. This allows for a better evaluator-to-player ratio at any given session. The ultimate goal being that Directors/Coaches/Evaluators can spend more time collecting feedback on each individual player.  Please read carefully below to ensure you are attending the appropriate sessions!

Players are allowed to tryout for both Tiers if interested.  Placement will only be considered within the Tier attended.

Tier 1 Dates & Times

(2013-2007 Birth Years)

If your child is interested in competing at the highest level available (MLS Next New Tier, ECNL-RL, NPL, USYS National League), they should register for Tier 1 tryouts.  Players will only be considered for team placement in the Tier they attend.

Boys Tier 1 Rosters & Leagues

Select 1 - MLS Next New Tier

Select 2 - ECNL-RL / NPL / USYS NL / TCSL Regional

Girls Tier 1 Rosters & Leagues

Select 1 - ECNL-RL/NPL

Select 2 - ECNL-RL / NPL / USYS NL / TCSL Regional

Select 2 teams will participate in 1-2 leagues across the competitive calendar.  The objective being to provide an adequate number of games and developmental opportunities.

*If a player registers and attends tryouts for BOTH Tiers, a $50 credit will be applied towards any LSC roster spot accepted.  There will be NO CREDITS/REFUNDS for anyone not accepting a spot with LSC.*

2013 Boys & Girls July 20 - 8:00-9:30am July 21 - 8:00-9:30am
2012 Boys & Girls July 20 - 10:00-11:30am July 21 - 10:00-11:30am
2011 Boys & Girls July 20 - 12:00-1:30pm July 21 - 12:00-1:30pm
2010 Boys & Girls July 20 - 2:00-3:30pm July 21 - 2:00-3:30pm
2009 Boys & Girls July 20 - 4:00-5:30pm July 21- 4:00-5:30pm
2008/2007 Boys & Girls July 20 - 6:00-7:30pm July 21 - 6:00-7:30pm

Tier 2 Dates & Times

(2013-2007 Birth Years)

If your child is looking for a strong competitive environment within TCSL's Regional, State, and Cities divisions, they should register for Tier 2 tryouts.  Players will only be considered for placement in the Tier they attend.

Boys Tier 2 Rosters & Leagues

Competitive Rosters - TCSL Regional / State / Cities

Girls Tier 2 Rosters & Leagues

Competitive Rosters - TCSL Regional / State / Cities

*If a player registers and attends tryouts for BOTH Tiers, a $50 credit will be applied towards any LSC roster spot accepted.  There will be NO CREDITS/REFUNDS for anyone not accepting a spot with LSC.*

2013 Boys & Girls July 22 - 8:00-9:30am July 23 - 8:00-9:30am
2012 Boys & Girls July 22 - 10:00-11:30am July 23 - 10:00-11:30am
2011 Boys & Girls July 22 - 12:00-1:30pm July 23 - 12:00-1:30pm
2010 Boys & Girls July 22 - 2:00-3:30pm July 23 - 2:00-3:30pm
2009 Boys & Girls July 22 - 4:00-5:30pm July 23 - 4:00-5:30pm
2008/2007 Boys & Girls July 22- 6:00-7:30pm July 23 - 6:00-7:30pm



New to playmetrics & LSC?

Click here for the registration link and follow the instructions provided to create an account.

Next, verify your email and add your players to your account.

Once you’ve added players, you can register for the 2025-2026 Lakeville SC Travel Tryouts.

**If you've already registered your players through Playmetrics for other programs, registration can be found underneath 'club programs' within your account, or by clicking 'REGISTER NOW' below.

LSC PlayMetrics Software on a Phone


  • What if my player cannot make tryouts?

    Register for tryouts to be considered for team placement.  Families unable to attend should also complete the Tryout Absence Form.

    Not being able to attend tryouts may affect your team placement.  Our professional staff will do their best to find proper placement for those unable to attend.  We will utilize Technical Director observational notes made throughout the year to do so (current members).   

    We will not have alternative dates/times to make up this event

  • What if my player can only make one day of tryouts?

    Register for tryouts to be considered for team placement.  Players should do their very best to attend both days if possible.  Families unable to attend should also complete the Tryout Absence Form. The evaluations will be based on the date attended as well as Technical Director observational notes made through the year (current members).  

  • What do I need to bring to tryouts?

    You will need to bring your tryout shirt (provided at check-in), water, shin guards, socks, and cleats.  

  • What happens the day of tryouts?

    Players will be put into small-sided games and evaluated in different categories by 4-6 evaluators, along with our professional staff.  

    Key categories include, but not limited to, dribbling (1v1) & ball control, passing/receiving, shooting/finishing, spatial awareness, and level of engagement. 

    Goalkeepers U12+ will be assessed in a 'GK Only' group with our GK Staff for the first portion of each day, before being placed in net for the small-sided games with field-players.

  • Can my player tryout for an older age group?

    Trying out for an older age group is only allowed for U13+ age groups (i.e. earliest example - U13 players trying out for U14).  

    These scenarios are not common and will be approved by our professional staff based on what is best for the players' development.  

    Generally, playing up an age group is only considered for players performing at the top or above the level of their entire age group.

  • Does travel soccer allow for multi-sport athletes?

    LSC believes in the holistic approach for player development and recognizes the value of having multi-sport athletes in our programs.  Players are expected to prioritize soccer during the main "soccer months" of Fall/Spring/Summer.  Our coaches/directors work with families to help accommodate winter sport schedules and expect up front communication with your coach to avoid conflicts. 

  • Do all players make a team?

    LSC does it's best to find a team for all players.  Based on number of registrants and available teams, this can sometimes not work out.  Any player without a team will be placed on a waitlist.  You will receive information regarding the waitlist if you are to be added to it.  

  • How does the club share tryout results/scores?

    A team offer will be communicated via email for the 25/26 seasons.  No rosters will be posted to the website.  All team placements are final and not eligible for discussion.  No evaluation scores or notes will be shared. Families will have 48 hours to accept/decline their position.

    In order to account for possible roster movement due to acceptances/declines, LSC begins forming teams at the Select level first, with Competitive Level teams receiving invitiations very shortly after (in order, Gold to Red).

  • What if I don't agree with my team placement?

    Our goal with tiered teams is to help provide appropriately challenging environments for all players. We will do our best to place players on teams where they are surrounded by others of similar ability.

    There will be no contesting or protesting of team placements of any player in any age group. 

    The club will not engage in any discussions or debate on team placement or how tryouts and teamformations are conducted.

    Evaluators' scores from team formations and players' body of work provided by the most recent team coach and Age Group Director are confidential and will not be shared. Players looking for feedback should reference their end-of-season coach feedback.

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